UK: Speculation over future of Slim Fast brand range
Unilever is reported to be contemplating the sale of its Slim Fast weight loss range.
Quoting Sky News, The Courier is reporting speculation that Unilever may be contemplating selling off the weight loss range for around £1bn (US$1.7bn) as it seeks to refocus on its core brands. However such a figure would represent a loss for Unilever which bought the Slim Fast meal replacement shakes and bars in 2000 for US$2.4bn (£1.4bn).
Despite the weight loss market being valued at around £6.6bn (US$11.0bn) globally each year, Slim Fast has not met Unilever’s revenue expectations, according to The Courier. As such the brand may become the latest victim of chief executive Paul Polman’s drive to rationalize the group’s brand range. Brands such as Skippy peanut butter, Culver Specialty Brands and Unilever’s frozen meals businesses in the US have all been sold in the past few years, while recent reports have speculated that the meat snack brand Pepperami could also be slated for a sell off.
Unilever declined to comment on the matter, according to The Courier, reportedly saying that they did not comment on “rumour and speculation”.
Source: The Courier