Portugal: Iglo opens “house of flavours” to showcase product range
Frozen food specialist Iglo is opening a new ‘restaurant’ concept to showcase how its product range can be used to create ‘home-prepared’ dinners.
Dubbed the “Casa dos Sabores” or “House of Flavours”, the space is being opened in the month of May to host a total of 25 ‘dinner parties’ based on Iglo products. Winning candidates – selected from entries at www.casadossabores.pt – are able to access an exclusive menu prepared by host Isabel Queiroz and can invite up to 11 guests to share the experience. The project is being covered by three Portuguese bloggers and recipes are also being made available on the Casa dos Sabores website.
Commenting on the project, Joao Vale, Marketing Director at Iglo, said: “The House of Flavours aims to invite the Portuguese people to celebrate the experience of eating together, which combines two essential ingredients: good food and good company. The guests will have a special dinner in the ‘house’, with the quality and range of Iglo products presented in a new and unique way. It is entirely up to the contestants to choose the guests they invite. This is precisely what we want: that they feel completely at home in the Casa dos Sabores".
Source: Grande Consumo / Iglo