Juice tackles sugar question with anti tooth decay launch
The latest innovation insight from Gama Compass™
MANCHESTER – 5th November 2015: As the incidence of obesity and tooth decay continues to rise worldwide, manufacturers of fruit drinks – especially those targeted at children – are increasingly finding themselves in the firing line over their products’ sugar levels. Now one company is looking to turn this criticism on its head with the launch of a new fruit and vegetable drink that is claimed to actively protect against dental decay: Fit Rabbit Organic Dragon Drink.
Promising “teeth as strong as a dragon’s” and promoted as “the first drink for children that protects against tooth decay”, Fit Rabbit Organic Dragon Drink is a new vegetable and fruit juice blend from Austrian firm Voglsam looking to combat concerns over high-sugar fruit drinks with a formulation that is said to be actively beneficial for dental hygiene. A combination of 50% lactofermented beetroot juice with spring water, apple, aronia and elderberry juices, the product is said have a dual function: firstly through the effect of nitrate-rich vegetables such as beetroot which, in sufficient quantities, are said to give saliva antibacterial qualities, helping to protect against the acid-releasing bacteria that can cause delay. Meanwhile the product is also enriched with calcium carbonate that is claimed to provide 15% of the RDA of calcium – “necessary for the maintenance of healthy teeth” – per carton.
As much as anything, Fit Rabbit Organic Dragon Drink highlights the challenge facing the soft drinks industry, as growing concerns around sugar levels risk altering consumer mindsets in relation to the health credentials of fruit drinks and juices. The product, however, posits a solution: by tackling the issue head on – acknowledging and mitigating against the negative effects of sugar content – companies can also reaffirm the positive health associations of juices and fruit drinks, challenging the shifting perceptions that threaten future growth in the category.
Image source: Gama
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