Germany: Kaufland trials ‘click and collect’ lockers
Kaufland, the German retail chain owned by the Schwarz Group, is trialling new 'click and collect' lockers for consumers in Berlin, the company has announced.
Operational from the 25th January, the new lockers are available 24 hours a day from Monday to Saturday and allow consumers to pick up orders placed online by entering a payment code via a touchscreen. The service is reported to be free but to have a minimum order value of €20 ($21).
The system comprises a total of 60 lockers, divided into ambient, chilled and frozen. "[The system] offers consumers a flexible way of taking care of their grocery shopping that takes into account their varied work and lifestyle patterns", the company said in a statement. "As this is a pilot project, pick-up times will be reviewed and optimised to meet the needs of our customers".
The move from Kaufland comes only a few months after the firm began trialling its first online delivery service in the same part of Germany , and around a year after rival Rewe piloted its own locker collection system at a charge of €2 ($2.14) per order.
Source: Schwarz Group / IGD